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At MGG, environmental sustainability means managing and minimising the environmental impact from our operations and delivering communities that are environmentally sound, as well as being designed and built to a high quality.


At MGG we define social sustainability as being about people’s quality of life, now and in the future. It is about running the business with consideration to our staff, the wider workforce, local people and our customers as well as thinking longer term about what it will be like to occupy one of our units.


Economic sustainability is about running the business for the long-term and continuing to be a successful business. Importantly, it is also about the economic impact we have on local communities and the wider economy as a result of our activities. At MGG we understand that through our contribution to economic output, job creation, tax and investment, we have the potential to help deliver growth. Property development is also important because of its contribution to labour mobility and reducing unemployment, particularly among young or unskilled workers.